CCIL - Continental Carbon India Ltd
CCIL stands for Continental Carbon India Ltd
Here you will find, what does CCIL stand for in Chemical under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Continental Carbon India Ltd? Continental Carbon India Ltd can be abbreviated as CCIL What does CCIL stand for? CCIL stands for Continental Carbon India Ltd. What does Continental Carbon India Ltd mean?The based company is located in engaged in chemicals industry.
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Alternative definitions of CCIL
- Canadian Council on International Law
- continuously-computed impact line
- The Country Club India Ltd
- Container Corporation of India Ltd
- Coke Cola Industry Ltd
- CCI de Limoges
- Consolidated Carpet Industries Limited
View 28 other definitions of CCIL on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- CEL Central Electronics Limited
- CFP Consolidated Fire Protection
- CPCA California Primary Care Association
- CHS Caddo Hills Schools
- CCEAF CCE Air France
- CCME The Carolinas Center for Medical Excellence
- CPS Card Payment Solutions
- CBC California Bank of Commerce
- CFS Capitol Federal Savings
- CFSL Churches Fire Security Ltd
- CVA Crypto Valley Association
- CCH Cc's Coffee House
- CAS Computer Automation Systems
- CSO Charlotte Symphony Orchestra
- CAA Cincinnati Arts Association
- CBS Centre of Biotechnology of Sfax
- CSS Chubb Security Services
- CNCC China National Chemical Corp
- CSHS Cedars Sinai Health System
- CSF Canterbury School of Florida